Facilities and Physical Resources
UIS Málaga Campus is located on Calle 20 #6-20, in the Universitario neighborhood, in the capital of García Rovira province. At the campus, both the university community and the general public can find a range of services, including:
An auditorium with a capacity for 350 people
Library services
Football field
Computer labs
Classrooms equipped with technology for hybrid classes
Chemistry, biology, physics, animal anatomy, milk and meat laboratories
Woodworking workshop
- Bioprospection, livestock reconversion, and agroforestry laboratories aimed at contributing to a more productive and sustainable field. Additionally, rental services for tents, carpets, stages, and chairs, among others, are available
Currently, the University Park of the UIS Málaga Campus is under construction, covering an area of over 16,000 square meters. It will consolidate a comprehensive academic, research, and cultural center, strengthening relationships within the community and promoting a model of educational excellence.
Requests related to the services offered by the Physical Resources team can be made in person or via email at planfismalaga@uis.edu.co.
Maintenance of physical spaces
Maintenance of furniture and fixtures
Loans of physical space
Laboratory equipment loans
Loan of furniture
Loan of sports facilities
Loans of cultural spaces
Do you need more information?
Contact us
Facilities and Physical Resource – Málaga Campus
Telephone: +57 (607) 634 4000
Extension: 6524
Email: planfismalaga@uis.edu.co
Málaga, Santander
Carrera 28 # 60 – 00
Office Hours
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.